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What is Industrial Automation?

Time:2020-03-28 Views:316

Increase Quality and Flexibility in Your Manufacturing Process

Earlier the purpose of automation was to increase productivity (since automated systems can work 24 hours a day), and to reduce the cost associated with human operators (i.e. wages & benefits). However, today, the focus of automation has shifted to increasing quality and flexibility in a manufacturing process. In the automobile industry, the installation of pistons into the engine used to be performed manually with an error rate of 1-1.5%. Presently, this task is performed using automated machinery with an error rate of 0.00001%.

Advantages of Industrial Automation

Lower operating cost: Industrial automation eliminates healthcare costs and paid leave and holidays associated with a human operator. Further, industrial automation does not require other employee benefits such as bonuses, pension coverage etc. Above all, although it is associated with a high initial cost it saves the monthly wages of the workers which leads to substantial cost savings for the company. The maintenance cost associated with machinery used for industrial automation is less because it does not often fail. If it fails, only computer and maintenance engineers are required to repair it.

Aging has become an issue for most industrialized countries. With birth rates decreasing, the cost of labor continues to increase.  It is necessary for manufacturers to improve the level of production automation in order to maintain the same profit level. This situation leads to an increased requirement of industrial automation.
It is very common for an industrial control manufacturer to experience a production line that requires frequent changes, high precision and high quality products in a short lead time. WESTSAM has been working side by side for years with industrial control customers by providing the Connectors for industrial applications and helping customers set up and meet technical requirements.
WESTSAM connectors such as the M5, M8 and M12 series feature waterproof and high wiring density with a range of various connection angles for customer’s versatile arrangements. These products have been widely used in controller, converters and locator.

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